With an IoT tracking device, you get high-precision data wherever it travels.
This was once again proven true as we sent the wireless IoT tracking device, Trusted T7 RHTP, for an impressive test to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro.
The opportunity was made possible due to our sponsorship of the initiative "Legeheltene", which supports children in hospitals.
A charity expedition backed by sponsors made the journey to Tanzania and hiked from basecamp to the 5,895 meters (19,341 ft) tall summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.
Track data anywhere with data logger functionality
The precise route of the expedition to the top was tracked by the internal GPS sensor of the tracking device.
The yellow markings on the map indicate the precise location of the tracker.
On the Trusted Data Portal, the yellow color denotes that this data was stored internally on the device as a data log.
Log functionality means that devices do not require available data networks to function. Everything is stored safely on the device and is transmitted to the server with no loss of data when network coverage is restored.
In this way, it is possible to track data everywhere – even on one of the tallest mountains in the world.
Analyzing the data gives unique insights
The logs in a data tracking device contain much more data than just a GPS position. This means that every yellow marking on the map gives us data readings from the other built-in sensors as well.
And with the T7 RHTP tracking device in particular that is quite a lot.
Besides an impressive standard set of features, the device includes high-precision sensors that track relative humidity and temperature as well as air pressure.
This makes the rough environment of a mountain climb an ideal scenario to test the range and precision of the sensors.
Before the ascent, the temperature sensor revealed warm September days in Tanzania of up to 32.5°C, while the nights were a chill 9.8°C at minimum.
This, however, was still nothing compared to the -8.6°C that greeted the expedition when they reached the summit of Kilimanjaro early in the morning on September 20.
Relative humidity
Kept in a backpack during the ascent, the T7 RHTP was let out into the fresh, cold air to gather precise data on humidity.
And as one could imagine, the freezing environment on the summit was very dry. In fact, humidity levels had gone all the way down to 24%.
Air pressure

Meanwhile, air pressure also had a clear trend downwards, hitting its lowest point at 50.116 hPA.
This is approximately half the air pressure of what is normal at sea level, so participants in the expedition would be excused if feeling a little out of breath because oxygen levels are much lower in these conditions.
How IoT data tracking features is used in business cases
Posing to the camera, you would think this lucky T7 RHTP device was simply enjoying its time in the sun.
But from the data above, we now know that IoT data tracking devices are always hard at work with monitoring the environment around them.
This is also the case for the thousands of devices around the globe that make up the data tracking solutions in use by businesses across industries.
- Position data is used by managers in logistics and construction to follow the position of non-powered trailers, containers, or transport frames around the world.
- Relative humidity data is also an important metric tracked by many in order to protect assets from condensation and ultimately corrosion or build-up of mold.
- Temperature and air pressure data along with impact and humidity data is essential to others as these readings secure compliance data to their sensitive freight, such as electronics, advanced engines, medicine, or food.
As you can imagine, an IoT data tracking solution has many different use cases. Read how they tackle real-life challenges in your industry by clicking on the banner below.
We would like to thank "Legeheltene" for making this test possible and we encourage everyone to support the charity.
The IoT data tracking device, Trusted T7 RHTP, was brought on an expedition to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro.
The data on temperature, relative humidity, and air pressure reveals the rough conditions on the summit.
High-precision data like this highlights the usefulness of IoT data tracking in many different business cases.