Start your journey into IoT tracking here! A-Z on data and position tracking

Condition monitoring without breaking the budget? Here is a solution.

Written by Simon from Trusted | Nov 21, 2023

Making quality products for your customers is ultimately not entirely within your control.

When your freight leaves the production facility or storage house, its status is now literally out of your hands.

That is why many businesses approach the quality of transport and distribution with the same energy as they approach the quality of the products themselves.

However, how do you document that handling or conditions such as humidity and temperature have been within specified limits throughout a transport? 

Luckily, the solution does not require either complicated technical knowledge or for you to break any budgets.


Your own ‘black box’

All you need to get started is to mount a wireless data tracker on either a container or directly on freight – depending on your use case.

With installation kits available, this is a completely hassle-free process.

The small robust devices will function as your own little black box by telling you exactly what happens around it.

It constantly registers any data on impacts, drops, and handling, with humidity and temperature also available.

The hardware works with an online data portal and app. Here you can set up limits to certain parameters, such as maximum acceptable impacts to freight or limits to temperatures or humidity percentages.



Staying up to date and ensuring quality

Unlike a black box, you do not need to go looking for this device to get your data.

Trackers transmit positions and data automatically at any interval you preselect. This enables you to follow the status of your freight during transport.

If any incidents occur and the limits you have configured are broken, this will be recorded in detail by the data tracker and either transmitted directly or logged internally within the device.

You can also choose to receive alarms when selected incidents happen. This offers a possibility for customers to react to incidents and stop a critical situation from escalating.


Monitor compliance and quality yourself

Even if you have no major history of freight damage, a data tracking solution is still a useful tool.

This is because by monitoring parameters such as handling or humidity conditions, you ensure that compliance on key parameters has been met and that quality is as expected.

And with the Trusted data tracking solution you do not need expensive consultants or experts to compile compliance reports externally.

Quality assurance or logistics teams can navigate to the data portal themselves and create compliance reports in a few clicks.

This removes both the burden of uncertainty about the status of your transport and enables you to guarantee quality to clients all through your supply chain.


A straightforward solution you can trust

Making sure that assets get from A to B should not be a nail-biting experience.

Around the globe, producers of products worth hundreds of thousands rely on our IoT data trackers and software solutions for condition monitoring of transports. 

With global network roaming and data logging functionality inside, our catalog of data trackers will get you all the data you need to guarantee the top quality of your product.

You can browse our catalog of trackers by going to our hardware page.

Here you can find presentations of our bestselling Standard edition or our most relevant  RHTP-edition with precise relative humidity and temperature monitoring.

See also the new BLE-edition that enables users to sync with nearby devices using the Bluetooth connection on their phones.