It is easy to get lost when browsing the results of an online search on tracking devices.
As with many things, the number of available products is high, but mostly the quality of these products is low.
To cut through the noise, here are 5 recommendations of things to look for in a great tracking device.
At all times, prioritize robustness in your tracking device. This is even if you are tracking in an environment that does not require the toughest of devices.
It is easy to find cheap mass-produced units that could solve your use case. But what seems cheap on paper can be expensive in the long run due to malfunctions, replacements, and time wasted in support.
You need a device you can trust to do the job. Every day.
Basically, choose a product you can trust.
It is always nice with more than one feature in your tracking device.
This is not to be understood as if we are arguing for choosing the device with the most and the flashiest features just for the sake of it.
Combining different sensors can be a powerful tool to help solve your use case.
If your use case requires tracking of assets across countries or even continents, you obviously need global connectivity.
But even if your assets are stationary or not meant for border crossing you need multiple options for networks. Devices that connect to several networks based on the best available option are to be preferred.
Always choose a producer you trust.
An issue related to connectivity is data logging. This is the feature where the tracking device has the ability to store data within the device itself.
This means that in cases of no network connection, your device will still log any data it tracks.
This is why data logging should be an absolute must.
Wireless tracking devices open up for tracking a wealth of different non-powered assets.
Data tracking is becoming increasingly widespread from tools, trailers, and smaller machines to freight, high-valuable goods, and even hard-to-reach places in sensitive installations.
In such cases, look for a device that has quality batteries.
It should not be any secret that we, at Trusted, think we have quality tracking devices that match all these recommendations.
They feature market-leading IP69k robustness and have multiple advanced sensors in one product. Devices feature data logging capability and connect to IoT networks globally.
Finally, our devices and their long-life batteries are battle-proven and tested by major producers of hydraulic attachment tools worldwide – a sign of quality from the harshest of everyday working environments.
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